Tutoring Services
- Daily office hours
- 24/7 class-based Q&A from tutors and peers on Insight Loop
- Bi-weekly group sessions (a combination of in-person and Zoom)
- All sessions are recorded and accessible online
- Targeted pre-exam reviews
- Handouts on key knowledge points
Career Services
- Class Curator:
- paid internship position
- help monitor class progress
- Facilitation Manager:
- paid internship position
- students benefited from these tutoring sessions and return as assistant tutors in the following academic year,
- gaining valuable teaching experience and leadership skills
- Academic Coach:
- Full Time Employee
- Graduated assistant tutors with a passion for education
- Career path can be Senior Coach, Lead Coach, …
- Scholastic Manager:
- Franchise owner who runs a learning service at a campus
- Can be promoted from an Academic Coach
Talk to us
Have any questions? We are always open to talk about your business, new projects, creative opportunities and how we can help you.